the sky floor

Category: Business

Is It Terribly Hard to Flip a Switch?

If you see a consistent problem in your target market, find ways to add value. It is this kind of value that allows you to charge more and sell effectively without sales gimmicks.

Keep the Car Running

By all means, if you get a flat tire, fix it – the car won’t run well without that. But don’t sit on the side of the road, tweaking the exact angle of your review mirror when you could’ve already arrived.

This is Your Brain on Fear

Fear An unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; an instance of this emotion; a state marked by this emotion. Merriam-Webster

Joel Interviewed on Ideamensch

Read About Joel’s Journey as an Entrepreneur Joel is featured in todays Ideamensch, a blog featuring interviews with entrepreneurs. Read an excerpt below or click through

Backup Your Payment Methods - Cafe

Backup Your Payment Methods

The Deli Delay This past weekend I was the first customer at a local deli. I ordered my food, wrangled my toddler and headed toward