the sky floor

Category: Marketing

Marketing is not just a billboard or digital ad. Marketing is a way of thinking which promotes your business and work through every facet of what you do and how you interact in the world. Below are some ideas on marketing well.

Start with Story

It is a huge mistake not to tell a story with your marketing efforts. 

This Is My Treasure and You Can’t Touch It

The other day my six-year-old daughter Jane came gallivanting downstairs and said to Fred, our three-year-old son, “this is my treasure and you can’t touch it.” What do you think happened next?

Genuine or Fake: Your Choice

Making up a false reality may work to get you short-term gains, but if you try to create something with lasting significance, the authentic will win over the contrived every time.

3 Tips for a Great Landing Page on Your Website

3 Tips for a Great Landing Page on Your Website

Besides your home page, your website should have landing pages specific to an industry or topic. Landing pages create meaningful inroads for Organic Search, and they are critical in digital advertising.

The Powerful Art of the Pause

The Powerful Art of the Pause

A well-placed pause in your presentations, pitches, and meetings can have a similar impact – although it may not be a laugh you are after.

Why Cars Seem Faster Than Airplanes

If you are selling an airplane, but potential customers only ever look at it from the ground, they may not know how fast it is. Figure out how to make the reality perceptible.

Help! My Grapes are Sour!

Help! My Grape Juice is Putrid

One person can’t stand fermented grapes, and yet someone else is willing to pay the price for a house for a bottle of it.

Powerful CTA

3 Powerful Call To Action Tips

What is a call to action on a website? If you have spent time with the likes of web designers and developers, you have probably

Is It Terribly Hard to Flip a Switch?

If you see a consistent problem in your target market, find ways to add value. It is this kind of value that allows you to charge more and sell effectively without sales gimmicks.

Consider, Will it Float?

Will it Float – See if Your Website Ideas Sink or Swim

The beautiful thing is, you don’t have to guess which ideas will work. You can test it! Thanks to technology by Google and others, you can throw your ideas into the tank and see if they sink or swim. Honest, hard-data-driven feedback.