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Businesses, Why Your Awesome Branded Shipping Should Take a Break

December 20, 2022

It’s Christmas time, which means presents are being bought, shipped, wrapped, and delivered. Now, if you are in a family that lives in a single dwelling, you need to send gifts to your house. You know the place well; the one where the recipients live, your home. So you get that notification, the present is out for delivery! Hooray. 

The delivery person approaches, and out of your main front window, the natives notice a gift will be delivered. They watch every step of the approach; what could this delivery be!?

They won’t have to wonder for long because as the box comes into full view, it is sealed with beautiful paper tape on a printed box, slathered in the brand’s logo. 

Sure, they don’t know which item you bought from that brand, but the packaging has ruined part of the surprise. 

I get it. Branded packaging is a great way to complete the shipping experience and communicates that you care about your customer’s experience, even at home. But at Christmas time, it is a liability to the person ordering. 

Here is my suggestion: if you are a business that sells anything that is a potential gift, offer a checkbox for unbranded packaging. 

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It shouldn’t add too much work to your shipping process, and customers can rest easy knowing that their present isn’t revealed early. This option will tell your customers that you thoroughly care about their experience.

Takeaways: Practice iterating your procedures by putting yourself in the customer’s shoes! 

If you are a business that ships products, particularly gifts, there is low-hanging fruit around the holidays to demonstrate that you care about your customer. 

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