the sky floor

We Never Spam (JK, LOL)

November 15, 2021

Have you ever signed up for a service that claims “we will never sell your information or Spam your inbox”? How often does it come true?

Recently I signed up for a trial of a DNS masking service, and while I am confident that they will never sell my information, I have received two emails a day ever since I didn’t sign up for a complete account. I don’t know about you, but to me, this is the definition of Spam.

If you want to tempt a trial user into a paid account, badgering them isn’t the best road to success. Each day that the barrage continues, I become more and more reticent to become a paid user at any point.

Brow beating your potential customers is not a recipe for success, even if the technique produces short-term prosperity.

You must follow through with your promises, without exception. Badgering your customers with discounts is still Spam. You are in a relationship with your customers, and the foundation of every relationship is trust. When you break promises, even if you think you are helping, you are violating that trust.

If you say you will not Spam, please don’t. Consider the long-term impact of your choices – you may gain some traction short-term by violating your promises, but more than likely, you will gain an infamous reputation that will damage your business.

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