Was 2016 the worst year yet?

January 4, 2017

For many people 2016 was a year of mourning and anxiety. We felt that in many ways as well… but it was also a great year for us. 

In 2016 The Sky Floor grew around 34% by revenue (the third year in a row of double digit growth). We also started renting an office in Downtown West Chicago to hold meetings. A small but meaningful milestone for any business. 

800000 +
Website Users in 2016
25 %

Speaking of milestones, when you tally up the Unique Users of websites we designed, built and maintained it adds up to just over 1 Million people!

We also made a foray into media talking about our business. A podcast for freelancers interviewed me about how we price projects (hasn’t aired yet). I was also featured as a source in an article for Paste Magazine’s new Business section (link here). 

Even while our revenue increased we were able to extend Churches and Non-Profits a lower rate. We love the chance to further the mission of these types of organizations at a service discount.

Looking Forward

In 2017 we are positioning ourselves to grow again. Not only in our core business but with some new projects as well. (More to come on that but let’s be real it will be later in the year than we expect.) 

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Even though I can’t tell you exactly what we are working on yet I can give away the categories of the projects. We are building an idea that is software as a service and another that is physical products. (If you want updates when they happen join our mailing list!)

We Want You to Be Part of Our 2017!

Do you have a project you are working on? Or a business idea you are trying to get off the ground? Do you work for a company that needs an online marketing overhaul? Or just a new website?

We want to help you achieve your 2017 goals! Click the button below and tell us what’s on your mind…

Joel is the project manager at The Sky Floor. When he is not talking with clients, reading about and developing marketing strategies or crunching numbers, he is designing.
The Sky Floor, LLC
Joel Miller

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