the sky floor

The Hidden Lesson in “White Christmas”

January 5, 2022

Every holiday season, we watch the classic film “White Christmas.” It has all the right ingredients: classic music, dancing, romance, and a cheerful ending. But one thing stuck out to me this year watching it – Bob and Phil drop everything to take the chance to head to Vermont for the winter.

Now, I know this is a work of fiction, but it got me thinking, am I ready to drop everything for the right opportunity?

None of the White Christmas story can unfold if they decide to go about their prior Christmas vacation plans. They make that decision before they know it is a chance to honor their old General or that it will result in a love story for both of them.

But when the time comes throughout the story, they fully step through the opening doors. They move the whole show to Vermont. They dream up a way to honor General Waverly.

My question to you is, are you looking for those fork in the road moments? Are you willing to walk through the open doors as they come?

Sometimes the brave thing to do is to stay the course, but often that is just the easy road. Keep an eye out for story-interrupting moments and when the opportunity is right, walk right through the open door.

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