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Getting Into Trouble Can Be Scary, But Can it Unlock Growth?

September 14, 2022

Who likes to get into trouble? I know I don’t. The proverbial principal’s office isn’t a good place to be. Neither is the moment when you realize an outcome you promised isn’t possible. Or when you get the news that the supply chain you rely on is disrupted. 

But you have to get out of trouble when you get into trouble. Either that or give up, but I already know you don’t believe in giving up. 

I am not talking about failure. Failure is when the project is over OVER, when the client isn’t going to call again, or you have to close the doors of your retail store for the last time. Even an absolute failure can be just a minor setback in your life, but we are talking about the more minor troubles along the way.

If you never experienced trouble, you wouldn’t hone and sharpen your skills. A life without trouble will lead to complacency and little reason to improve yourself, your work, or your relationships. 

That being said, we shouldn’t try to get into trouble. But maybe instead of avoiding it at all costs, you look for the possibilities trouble might bring. 

Necessity is the mother of invention; if you avoid trouble at all costs, you will become a complacent orphan. 

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Plus, trouble will come, whether or not you are ready for it. Pure avoidance will leave you caught off-guard and unable to learn the lessons introducing themselves. Unlock growth by seeing trouble as an opportunity for positive change.


  • If you only ever encounter smooth waters, you will not learn vital lessons that lead to growth.
  • Don’t look for trouble, but expect it and then ask, how will I grow from it?